Balenciaga's fall 2022 collection has made headlines in more ways than one. Take the Balenciaga caution-tape catsuit, for instance. Kim Kardashian sat front row at the show in the look, which she could barely walk in. Later, she had to be cut out of the catsuit altogether. Lizzo then tried to dance on the set of an Elle UK cover shoot in the same outfit but could only do the robot due to the restriction of movement. Now, the Balenciaga trash-bag pouch has people just as confused.
Back in March, Kardashian posted a gift from creative director Demna Gvasalia on her Instagram Stories: a black satchel that looked like a garbage bag, which Kardashian dubbed "a trash-bag bag." Now the design is officially available to shop - with a price tag as "hefty" as the brand that popularized the original plastic trash bag . . . you know, the one used for garbage.
After that fall 2022 in March, Gvasalia told WWD: "I couldn't miss an opportunity to make the most expensive trash bag in the world, because who doesn't love a fashion scandal?"
Though the bag is not currently available to shop online, High Snobiety shared a pic from the store on Instagram, writing, "This Balenciaga trash bag costs $1790." The publication also revealed that the expensive "trash-bag bag" comes in three colors: black with black ties, blue with black ties, and white with red ties, each made of calfskin leather. "Balenciaga is a meme designer," one commenter wrote. "I got 40 of those under my sink," another commented.
A controversial design isn't exactly out of the ordinary for the design house under Gvasalia's reign. It has, after all, not only produced the aforementioned caution-tape-covered catsuits but also created totally distressed high-top sneakers, branded leather shopping bags, platform Croc-style shoes, and more.
The "Trash Pouch" from Balenciaga is clearly just another attempt by the brand to create a viral moment. And as head-scratching as it might be, it's clearly working.