This year's Oscars was marked by stunning actresses who sparkled in sequins. Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts, Catherine Zeta Jones and more wowed in metallic shades. The reigning color palette at the 2013 Oscars was pale nude or white, or stark black. There were a few standouts who risked wearing bold color, and succeeded: Kerry Washington and Jennifer Aniston spring to mind. "Beasts Of The Southern Wild" star Quvenzhané Wallis summed up the best-dressed ladies at the 2013 Oscars perfectly when she described her dress as: "sparkly and fluffy."
Other trends on our best-dressed list from the night included strapless gowns (Jennifer Lawrence and Charlize Theron had us in tears with their stunning Dior Couture gowns) and lots of diamonds ... just not in necklaces. We saw bracelets and earrings, but necks were conspiculously bare. Perhaps the ladies knew that Seth McFarlane's "We Saw Your Boobs" song would be calling enough attention to their breasts as it was?
Check out our picks for best-dressed and tell us if you agree with our choices. Then head over to our worst-dressed list to see the risks that flopped on the red carpet.
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