On April 20th, Sofia Richie shared the exciting news on Instagram that she's officially engaged to boyfriend Elliott Grainge. The 23-year-old model and daughter of Lionel Richie posted a few images from the proposal during a tropical vacation, including a close-up of her massive engagement ring. Richie's sparkler comes in a classic emerald-cut diamond set on a thin platinum band, a timeless ring style that continues to grow in popularity over the years.
Richie didn't shy away from showing off the stunning ring to the public; in fact, she reposted several of her friends' photos from the engagement. Grainge, who is the son of Universal Music Group CEO Lucian Grainge and a music exec in his own right, went all out with the romantic details. He got down on one knee in a garden surrounded by candles and white flower petals covering the ground.
For the momentous occasion, Richie wore a beige floral dress with billowing sleeves and ruffles that seemed to capture the tropical theme of their surroundings. If this is any indication of what her wedding fashion will look like, fans are in for some serious bridal inspiration.
The news of the couple's impending nuptials comes almost one year after the duo made their relationship official on social media. In April 2021, Richie posted a series of photos on Instagram including one of her kissing the 10K Projects record label owner. The couple first sparked dating rumors when they were seen together at Matsuhisa Beverly Hills.
Click through the carousel above to get a closer look at Sofia Richie's engagement ring and the floral dress she wore for the proposal.