Selena Gomez entered a new decade in head-turning style. On Saturday evening, the "Only Murders in the Building" actor hosted a big party and wore the perfect birthday dress to ring in her 30s. While no photos were reportedly allowed at the festivities, some guests snuck in a few snaps, offering a glimpse at Gomez's glamorous look.
In one photo, the actor posed alongside friends while wearing a peach-colored sequined minidress with a fluffy feather trim. With its floaty A-line silhouette, sleeveless halter neck, and glittery sequins that sparkled with every movement, her dress had all the hallmarks of a striking birthday outfit. Amping up the retro glamour, she paired the playful 16Arlington dress with an updo and hoop earrings. Stars like Francia Raisa, Julia Michaels, Sofia Carson, and Ava Max were also in attendance.
On her actual birthday the day prior, Gomez went to dinner with Taylor Swift before meeting up with other friends at Nobu Malibu in Los Angeles. For the less formal celebration, she wore a pleated Gucci minidress with bell sleeves, which she teamed with blue Manolo Blahnik heels. Swift, on the other hand, chose a boho-chic red dress covered in a floral print.
Sparkly dresses are a popular choice for birthday celebrations, as Gomez and a few other stars have shown recently. Tommy Dorfman welcomed her 30s in a sheer, shiny minidress, while Simone Biles rocked a Y2K-inspired chain-mail dress for her 25th. Elsewhere, Millie Bobby Brown also donned a sequined periwinkle gown with a keyhole cutout and high leg slit for her 18th birthday.
Ahead, see Gomez's standout party look and shop similar options.