Priyanka Chopra knows how to do date-night style. On Sept. 21, the "Matrix Resurrections" actor was photographed on an evening out with husband Nick Jonas in New York City, where the pair swung by her Indian restaurant, Sona, in the Gramercy neighborhood. She chose a comfortable yet elegant look for the outing, wearing a fitted black Khaite dress alongside the singer's vibrant ensemble.
Made of an Italian crepe fabric, the sleek jersey number featured a mock neck and cold shoulder with a flowing pleated skirt. While quite modest from the front, the dress came with a dramatic lace-up back that created a criss-cross detail threaded through silver rings, as Chopra revealed when she turned around. Chopra kept her styling simple, accessorizing with black pointed-toe pumps, large gold hoop earrings, and a little black purse with a gold chain handle. Jonas, on the other hand, wore all the patterns in a button-down covered in florals, spades, and a zig-zag print, which he paired with silky blue trousers.
Chopra recently wore a similarly sultry dress for her 40th birthday festivities in July. While on a celebratory trip with Jonas as well as family and friends in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, the actor wore a gorgeous red Cult Gaia midi dress with a cutout bodice held securely together by gold hardware. Chopra also sported another stylish look, a bright-yellow swimsuit and matching cover-up, on the same getaway.
Ahead, see more from the pair's chic date-night, and shop Chopra's exact dress and similar dupes.