Priyanka Chopra rang in her 40s in style. The "Matrix Resurrections" actor celebrated her birthday on July 18 with husband Nick Jonas and friends in an intimate beachside venue. Jonas, as well as Chopra's longtime manager, Anjula Acharia, shared glimpses of the actor's festivities over the past few days.
For one occasion, Chopra wore a vivid red midi dress with a cutout bodice, held securely together by gold hardware as she posed alongside Acharia. The Cult Gaia number also featured a ruched skirt and leg slit for good measure, making it the perfect beach-vacation dress. She paired the alluring style with matching heeled sandals and gold earrings. Later in the evening, Chopra and Jonas were seen arm in arm as they watched the fireworks. The musician wore a patterned shirt and pants, decorated with a red geometric print to match Chopra's dress.
"Happiest birthday to my ❤️ the jewel of July," Jonas captioned his birthday tribute to Chopra. "So honored to be on this crazy ride called life with you. I love you." He also shared more from the celebration, including a romantic kiss on a scenic beach and a night out for the couple.
Recently, Chopra stunned in Paris in a series of glamorous looks for Bulgari's gala celebrating its new high-jewelry collection. She first stepped out in a burnt-orange gown covered in sequins on June 6. At another event for the designer on June 8, she wore a sleeveless black Robert Wun dress with a plunging neckline, complete with exaggerated white ruffles that framed her body.
Ahead, take a closer look at Chopra's birthday celebrations, and shop her exact birthday dress.