Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly hit the red carpet at the sixth annual Daily Front Row Fashion Los Angeles Awards on Sunday, April 10, in grand fashion. The ceremony, which took place at the Beverly Wilshire hotel, is a show of support for the many creatives who style Hollywood's best-dressed celebrities. Presented by brands like Sunglass Hut and MCM, the event drew a star-studded crowd, including Kendall Jenner, Shay Mitchell, Paris Hilton, Tiffany Haddish, and more.
During the event, Fox honored her stylist Maeve Reilly with the style curator award while wearing a brown wool minidress from LaQuan Smith's fall 2022 collection. While the design features rolled-up sleeves that give it a casual touch, its structured, corseted bodice easily upgrades it to red carpet territory.
Fox elevated the look even further with bronze satin platforms from Jimmy Choo, silver chain-link bracelets, diamond-encrusted drop earrings, and her toi et moi engagement ring, a key accessory in tying her own outfit to fiancé Machine Gun Kelly's. He stood by her side in a bomber jacket with multicolored floral appliqué, pearls, and baggy black tuxedo pants.
Fox is one of many celebrity fans of Smith. Lori Harvey recently showed off a similar dramatic set from the designer in a white fuzzy fabric, and Halle Bailey tried out the brand's luxurious velvet at the American Music Awards.
Ahead, see Fox's dress debut on the runway for the first time, then click through photos of Fox and more celebrities at the Daily Front Row Fashion Los Angeles Awards.