Today's installment of our five-part video series following Ohne Titel through the making of their 2013 collection finds designers Flora Gill and Alexa Adams stalled in their design process by Hurricane Sandy. The building where their studio is located was flooded and without power for weeks, meaning the Ohne Titel duo was working from home while they waited to get back into their workspace. When they finally returned to the studio, it was a flurry of fittings and fixing pieces that weren't quite right. Later, Gill and Adams visit milliner Albertus Swanepoel to brainstorm a design for hunting-gear-inspired headbands for the collection.
Missed parts one and two in our series? Check them out below.
Check back every day this week for the next installment in the Cut's ongoing series with Ohne Titel.
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Filed Under:
,ohne titel
,six months with ohne titel
,flora gill
,alexa adams
,fashion week
,new york fashion week fall 2013
,the making of a collection