Facebook chief operating officer and women’s media punching bag du jour Sheryl Sandberg guest-edited Cosmopolitan’s first-ever edition of Cosmo Careers, a "digest-sized pullout" that debuts this month. "I have never guest-edited a magazine before, but I enjoyed the new challenge," Sandberg writes in her letter from the editor. "I leaned in." Inside, she tells readers the "Nine Things He Doesn’t Want You to Know He Googled," how to “Look Hotter on Facebook,” and debuts a new, co-branded sex position, “The Lean In." Just kidding. Everyone knows sex is the first extracurricular to get jettisoned on the path to world domination. (Not that we let that stop us from imagining what it would look like, above!)
Cosmo Careers, as previewed online, is a promotional vehicle for Sandberg’s new womanifesto, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, which is excerpted in the 40-page mini-magazine. Although it's tamer than the usual Cosmo fare, there is some mating advice. Sandberg thinks picking a partner is "the single most important career decision that a woman makes." She writes:
"A woman who can find someone who is willing to share the burdens — and joys — of home life will go further in her work life. I don’t know of a single woman in a leadership position whose life partner is not fully — and I mean fully — supportive of her career. No exceptions."
Mercifully, she endorses sleeping around in the meantime.
"So, when looking for a life partner, my advice to women is date all of them: the bad boys, the cool boys, the commitmentphobic boys, the crazy boys. But do not marry them. The things that make the bad boys sexy do not make them good husbands. When it comes time to settle down, find someone who wants an equal partner."
It does not appear to get much racier than that. Sandberg submits to the Cosmo quiz and divulges that her go-to cocktail is “diet soda.” The bad habit she wants to kick? “Too much diet soda.” Which is a good thing, really. In this respect, Sandberg leaves some room for the next wave of feminist activists, who will teach women how to have it all and a beer. (Please.)
Read more posts by Kat Stoeffel
Filed Under:
love and war
,lean in
,sheryl sandberg
,blow his mind