Blue is definitely your color, Joey King. On Monday evening, "The Kissing Booth" actor graced the red carpet for the premiere of "Moonfall" to support her friend and director Roland Emmerich, and she did it in a sleek, head-turning monochromatic look. King posed in a flattering bustier top, high-waisted trousers, and an oversized jacket, all in the same quilted cobalt blue print from Greek fashion brand Milkwhite.
Though King has recently dabbled in more mature styles, like her red checkered dress while promoting "The Kissing Booth 3" or the floral Versace look she wore for the 2020 VMAs,, this bright, bold outfit may be her most glamorous to date. Yet she - and her stylist Jared Eng - continue to stay true to her youthful style. While a very sophisticated silhouette, her blue set included little hearts embroidered all over the quilted fabric.
King also carried a Rodo purse in the same shade of blue and accessorized with sapphire earrings from Poche, Graziela Gems rings, necklaces by 51 E John, and a Maison Margiela bracelet. And of course, she rocked an electric blue smoky eye to complete the look. Ahead, get a closer view of King's full ensemble.