Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner made a royal entrance at the 2022 Met Gala, gracing the red carpet with their own takes on the theme, Gilded Glamour. The couple, who's currently expecting, coordinated a matching Louis Vuitton moment in black, white and silver. Pregnant Sophie Turner opted for a floor-sweeping gown embellished with studs that emphasized her baby bump, and completed the look with black platform sandals. Her red sleek waves cascaded past her shoulders, parted in the middle to reveal a bright red lip and matching eyeshadow. As the design featured long sleeves and a ruffled neck, she kept jewelry minimal, accessorizing only with her visible wedding ring.
Meanwhile, Jonas looked dapper in a white coattail with a long lace train, embellished buttons and black lapels. The couple embraced the theme with silhouettes reminiscent of the Gilded Age, making a bid for the "best-dressed" duo at the glamorous event. They joined a star-studded crowd that includes Blake Lively, Vanessa Hudgens, Venus Williams, Kacey Musgraves, and more.
Appreciate the duo's moment ahead.