Like a pirate captain fresh from a raid, Dove Cameron carried an entire treasure chest on her shoulders at the iHeartRadio Music Awards on Tuesday evening. The "Boyfriend" singer sailed down the red carpet in a beaded skirt suit, pulled from Lebanese designer Zuhair Murad's spring/summer 2022 couture collection. Cameron was dripping in gold chains and gemstones that clung to the back of her cropped blazer and peeked out from the hem of her tulle miniskirt.
The chains - embellished with diamonds, sapphires, and rubies - were almost long enough to graze the red carpet as she strutted for the cameras in a pair of velvety knee-high boots, fit for sailing the high seas. Short of carrying a sword, Cameron fully embraced the pirate look, styling the jacket with a black belt, a diamond helix earring, and razor-sharp winged eyeliner.
Other stars in attendance included Halsey, who wowed in a cutout crystal jumpsuit; Jennifer Lopez, who performed in a three-piece catsuit hooked by metal chains; and Willow Smith, who went full goth in a floor-length coat and over-the-knee buckle platform boots. Cameron might have been missing her captain's hat, but draped in that many riches, there's no denying who's in charge of this red carpet. Get a close-up look at her swashbuckling skirt suit from the front and the back ahead.