True to her brand, Saweetie walked the 2022 Oscars red carpet in an icy ensemble. Clad in a Mônot Off-The-Shoulder Cutout Crop Top ($1,095) and matching Column Maxi Skirt ($850) from the brand's Spring/Summer 2022 collection, the 28-year-old rapper was dressed to the nines. Her take on cutouts created the illusion of an off-the-shoulder evening gown, and it made for a memorable look. The "Best Friend" singer's accessorized with drop hoop earrings, a massive pendant ring, and strappy black heels that accentuated her white pedicure.
Saweetie's cropped blouse, which might have been a nod to Kim Kardashian at the 2021 Met Gala, featured a pair of long black evening gloves. The gloves were an elegant contrast to the three front cutouts that exposed Saweetie's midriff, while the slit in her floor-length skirt nicely complemented the top.
The rapper's beauty team added a few finishing touches with a dual-tone lip, extra long lashes, and a bouffant-style updo with her blond waves cascading in all directions. Later in the evening, Saweetie attended Vanity's Fair's after party in a plunging V-neck gown, featuring a cut-out bodice and a sky-high leg slit. Fellow after-party attendees included Zendaya in a sleek power suit, Lori Harvey in an olive sheer netted skirt by Tony Ward, Timothée Chalamet in an Alexander McQueen biker jacket, and many more.
See Saweetie's eye-catching Oscars outfit ahead. At first glance, the two-piece ensemble meshed so seamlessly that it almost passed for a dress. But it's clear that when it comes to style, the singer always has a few unforgettable tricks up her sleeve.