Britney Spears took to Instagram to show off her dance moves from her home studio on Thursday, Sept. 15, incorporating her signature hair flips and body spins. The 40-year-old singer wore a bright yellow crop top and black Nike shorts for the occasion. Though her blouse might have been selected for a sweaty workout session, it's actually an ideal transitional item for the coming fall weather. With long sleeves, it offers a bit more coverage, while also allowing for a skin-baring neckline. The belly shirt moment is also a clear nod to Y2K trends, and Spears has pulled off plenty of those throughout her career.
The pop star wore the same athletic shorts this past week teamed with a similar crop top in white, making for one of her go-to outfit formulas for dancing. Whether she opts for a yellow sports bra, the aforementioned white puff-sleeved top, or a more recent addition of a colorful floral, flutter sleeve tee, she has a knack for incorporating fashion statements into her workout looks.
Spears has been making headlines as of late for more than just her gym routines, reportedly feuding with both of her sons and having also received backlash for a fatphobic Instagram post. Back from her end-of-summer vacations and celebrating her nuptials (she wed Sam Asghari in a Versace gown on June 9), Spears continues to share her journey on Instagram. "I've never sweat so much in my life!!!" she captioned this particular video, which you can watch above.