Drawing from anime and video-gaming cultures, e-girls typically experiment with dyed hair, exaggerated makeup (think vibrant, heavy eyeshadow), and playful accessories infused with a kidcore sensibility like busy prints and a mixture of textures. Members of the subculture spend a lot of time on social media, particularly TikTok and Tumblr. Just one search of the hashtag will reveal countless self-proclaimed e-girls drawing tiny hearts on their faces. As a
What Is the Meaning of an E-Girl?
Short for "electronic girl," an e-girl is part of a fashion and lifestyle subculture that is defined by spending time online. Often compared to the emo or punk aesthetics, it typically involves winged eyeliner, heavy eye makeup, and a playful (or even juvenile) sense of style.
How Can I Achieve an E-Girl Aesthetic?
Your favorite anime characters or video avatars will provide plenty of style inspiration, but you don't have to be a gamer to experiment with this aesthetic. Mesh tops, choker necklaces, hair clips, and layers of silver jewelry are among the pieces and accessories you'll need to get started. From a cool graphic T-shirt to a punk-inspired pleated skirt, keep scrolling for a list of e-girl-approved fashion items to add to your wardrobe right now.